Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
ems term #927
laceration - an open injury whose edges may be linear (smooth and regular) or stelate (jagged and irregular); a wound that penetrates the brain.
ems assessment tip #997
if the foot or ankle is injured, having the patient push down or pull back with the big toe will give you the same result as if the entire foot were tested.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
ems term #929
abrasion - an open injury to the epidermis caused by a scrapong away, rubbing or shearing away of tissue.
ems assessment tip #988
the severe pain associated with a fracture to an extemity may distract the pafient from complaining of other more significant pain, such as abdominal pain or spinal pain. for this reason, fractures maybe referred to as distracting injuries.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
ems term #925
hematoma - a closed injury characterized by a mass of blood beneath the epidermis.
ems assessment tip #1028
to distinguish a clear fluid leaking from the ears or nose from tears or nasal secretions, check the fluid for glucose. cerebrospinal fluid contains glucose, tears and nasal secretions do not. glucose reading in cerebrospinal fluid will be about half of the blood glucose reading. note, however, that any discharge from the ears or nose must be taken seriously.
Monday, March 12, 2012
ems term #926
crush injury - an open or closed injury in which high-pressure forces cause serious damage to underlying soft tissue with internal bleeding, resulting in possible hemorrhagic shock.
ems assessment tip #1029
there is very little room for bleeding into the brain. so in the patient with trauma to the head, if the blood pressure is decreasing, the pulse pressure is narrow, the heart rate is elevated, and the respiratory rate is increased, suspect shock, but look for evidence of bleeding in an area of the body other than the brain.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
ems term #924
ecchymosis - black and blue discoloration.
ems assessment tip #1027
in a brain injury, the affected pupil is usually on the same side as the injury.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
ems assessment tip #990
suspect a dislocation when deformity and pain are found at a joint.
ems term #923
contusion - a closed injury to the tissue and blood vessels within the dermis characterized by discoloration, swelling, and pain; a bruise; bruising or swelling of the brain.
Friday, March 9, 2012
ems term #924
closed injury - any injury in which there is no break in the skin.
ems assessment tip #964
the determination of an accurate body surface area (BSA) burned can be delayed until the physical exam is completed. prior to this you should focus on establishing and maintaining the airway, breathing, oxygenation, and circulation.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
ems term #897
fragmentation - the breaking up of a bullet into small pieces on impact.
ems assessment tip #962
the head of the infant or child accounts for more of the total body surface area (BSA) than it does in the adult. this is because the head is proportionally larger in younger patients.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Red Cross launches Social Media Disaster Center
Mashable: Red Cross Launches Social Media Disaster Response Center
ems term #896
cavitation - a cavity formed by a pressure wave resulting from the kinetic energy of a bullet traveling through body tissue.
ems assessment tip #931
a tension pneumothorax will present with signs and symptoms of severe respiratory distress and cardiovascular compromise as evidenced by hypotension, narrow pulse pressure, increasing heart rate, and pale, cool, and clammy skin.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
ems assessment tip #924
hematomas that occur in The elderly with fragile soft tissue could bleed excessively and become extremely large.
Monday, March 5, 2012
ems term #898
dissipation of energy - how energy is transferred to the human body by the forces acting on it.
ems assessment tip #916
it may take up to 2 liters of blood to distend the abdominal girth by 1 inch.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
ems term #896
trajectory - the path of a projectile during its travel, a trajectory may be flat or curved.
ems assessment tip #914
the initial complaint of some patients with epistaxis.may be throwing up blood, because the blood will irritate the gastric mucous lining when swallowed and cause the patient to vomit. in this case, recognize that the bleeding is not From the stomach but from the nasopharynx.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
ems term #686
kinetic energy - the energy contained by an object in motion.
ems assessments tip #909
the best way to estimate the amount of blood loss is not to look on the ground or at the clothing of the patient but rather to perform an assessment and determine the severity of the signs and symptoms.
Friday, March 2, 2012
ems term #385
kinetics - the branch of mechanics dealing with the motions of material bodies.
ems assessment tip #889
"spider web" or other impact marks to the windshield would heighten your suspicion of a potential head injury. be aware that the impact mark on the windshield can also be made by an air bag that as deployed during the crash.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
ems term #884
kinetics of trauma - the science of analyzing mechanism of injury.
ems assessment tip #886
be sure to lift a deflated, deployed air bag to assess for deformity of the steering wheel.