Thursday, March 31, 2011

new chrome extension for evernote

Evernote: Today, we launched an update to our Google Chrome Extension, which includes a number of powerful new capabilities and speed improvements. Original Facebook Status:!/profile.php?id=30670583128&v=wall&story_fbid=182150038498460 Sent via TweetDeck (

google cloud print ready printers now available

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Found my new adventure

Old is new and new is old.... that kind of sums up how I feel right know. Last October I lost my job and have been looking for a new adventure ever since. I did a receive a number of great job offers just after I was let go, but they all required me to relocate. Unfortunately for personal reasons it was not something that I wanted to do. So I began to focus on the local job market and lets just say it was not pretty..... what to do?

I spent some time talking to friends and doing some basic soul searching. At the end of it, I decided to go back to something that I truly love doing, emergency medical services. Thanks to a very special friend who smacked me in the head and helped me realize that this was something that I had always enjoyed doing.

A couple of weeks ago I enrolled at Valencia Community College.  On May 9th I begin classes to become an emergency medical technician.

Although I am taking the EMT-Basic course, this won't be my first time. As mentioned, I was involved with emergency services before. I first got involved in 1979 when I joined Fair Lawn Heavy Rescue. In the late 80’s I moved to Norwood, NJ and joined Norwood EMS where I ended up becoming Chief. Throughout the years I got to work with some incredible people and learned so much.

New Jersey is primarily a volunteer based state, so I always had a second life working my ‘day job’ as I called it. About 10 years ago, I had an opportunity to move to Florida for my 'day job'.
When I left New Jersey, I let all of my certifications expire; note to self, don't do that again. So now its time to start over. Some may think I'm crazy for starting over, but I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that it will bring.

I found my new adventure.......

Monday, March 14, 2011

Google shows a interface for Blogger

Emergency Management Instittue

The Emergency Management Institute is the largest training facility for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is located in Emmitsburg, Maryland, on the grounds of the National Emergency Training Center.

In addition to the courses available on campus, EMI also offers a wide range of course for independent study. The independent study courses allow you to download the course materials, study at your own pace, and then take the exam online. 

To date I have taken the following courses;
- is-00007 - a citizens guide to disaster assistance
- is-00100b - introduction to the incident command system
- is-00700a - national incident management system
- is-200a - ics for single resources and initial action incident

I am now working on the is-800b - national response plan course.

This is a great resource for continuing education and it's free.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Radiation Emergency Medical Management Triage Guidelines

HumanityRoad: #radiation Emergency Medical Management Triage guidelines via U.S. Dept HHS #hmrd #japan #tsunami Original Tweet: Sent via TweetDeck (

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Social Media and the Japan earthquake: What we can learn?

Social Media and the Japan earthquake: What we can learn? -