Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Google plans to release an updated version of Google Maps for Android that is going to make iPhone users turn green with envy. The new version, which the company unveiled last night at a conference, will bring Android users a vastly updated version that includes faster performance, 3D vector graphics and offline browsing.

We are experiencing a big data explosion, a result not only of increasing Internet usage by people around the world, but also the connection of billions of devices to the Internet. Eight years ago, for example, there were only around 5 exabytes of data online. Just two years ago, that amount of data passed over the Internet over the course of a single month. And recent estimates put monthly Internet data flow at around 21 exabytes of data. The Age of Exabytes explores how technologies are evolving to address the needs of managing big data, from innovations in storage at the chip and data center level, to the development of frameworks used for distributed computing, to the increasing demand for analytical tools that can glean insights from big data in near real time.

If you've spent any time traveling and using Google maps, then you know how big a deal an offline mode can be. Venture more than a couple of miles away from a city or interstate in most of the country and your data connection is non-existent. Even in city limits, if the connection degrades it can cause Google Maps to fail and this is precisely what the new offline mode targets. According to Venture Beat, the smaller vector graphics used in the updated maps will allow for caching of map data that you most often use, giving you a more consistent experience

The vector graphics will also help to drastically increase the app's speed. According to Gizmodo, the new app will download about 100 times less data, "which leads to faster load times and super smooth zooming."

In addition to speed and offline mode, Google Maps 5.0 for Android will have 3D buildings for more than 100 cities when you zoom in. As you move and rotate your phone, the view on the map will change to show the proper direction.

According to Venture Beat, the new version of Google Maps for Android will run on any Android device running Android 1.6 or above, but older devices will not be able to utilize more advanced features like dynamic rendering and automatic rotation.

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